Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Child Obesity Rates In U.S. Finally Peak, Level Off

Boston (ChattahBox) - CDC researchers have stated that the child obesity rate in the U.S. has reached its peak and leveled off. This is the first time in nearly 50 years that the child obesity rate in the U.S. has not increased.

The study, led by Cynthia Ogden of the National Center for Health Statistics looked at over 8,000 children and how the obesity rate changed.

From the 1960s to the late 1990s, the child obesity rate in the U.S. tripled from around 5% to nearly 20%. It has now been noted though that the rate has not risen again, and has apparently peaked across boys and girls, and all races.

The report from the CDC was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Those at greatest risk of being obese now are 12 to 19-years old kids, compared to kids 2 to 5-years old who are at low risk.
With the child obesity rate in the U.S. now peaked, the only way to go may be down.

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